Safety and Sustainability

We ensure our teams are equipped with the knowledge,
skills and confidence to meet client needs

Our key training includes Safer Urban Driving, FORS e-learning, equipment training
and CLOCS (construction logistics and cycle safety).

Our dedicated health and safety team help us all to uphold high standards and aim for zero accidents. They also drive continual improvement and co-ordinate health and
safety initiatives for the benefit of the whole business.

We also design our own bespoke training and induction schemes to satisfy
the unique requirements of our clients.

To ensure all our workplaces are kept safe; we ask all employees and contractors to work in line with the
following commitments:

Our six safety commitments


We display positive health and safety behaviours and recognise those who do the same


We ensure risks are continually assessed and take the appropriate action as change occurs


We ensure tasks are only undertaken by properly trained, equipped and competent people following the correct rules and procedures


We STOP WORK to seek guidance if we believe our own, or the safety of others is compromised and we will fully support this intervention


We actively learn from all experiences and seek new ways of improving safety


We take ownership of health and safety, prioritising it above everything else

" Environmental protection is integral to our position as a responsible business"

Wilson James works hard to ensure that the negative impact our business has on the environment is minimised. Environmental protection is integral to our position as a responsible business and we seek to minimise energy, water and paper usage, through design, infrastructure and behaviour.

Our environmental objectives are:

  • To consider sustainability in all aspects of the business from a strategic board level through to operations.
  • Provide employees with knowledge and facilities to make environmentally sustainable choices
  • Purchase ethical and sustainable services, resource efficient products and consider end life of products.

We're here to help you get started

Whether you’re looking to review your current provisions, want to discuss an upcoming project or just want to know more about Wilson James, our dedicated team is here to help.